Ready ... Set ... Go!!

So ... you've bought your magical electric bass, a fitting amp, and maybe an enticing collection of teach-yourself-bass-guitar-from-scratch books and the odd subscription to online fast-track-to-musical-nirvana courses.

You're ready to HIT THE GROUND playing!

...and then ...

...half way through lesson 1 you start sinking into an ever-intensifying sense of confusion, despair, discouragement ... even fury ... as you try to untangle a pile of new terms, concepts and techniques.

It leaves you simply wanting to hit all your bass strings at once just to make some kind of sound!!

If this is the case - you're in the right place!

This blog is written with YOU – the self-instructed budding musician – in mind; not the publisher’s typical 200-odd A4 page format that dictates the content of many instructional books, nor the I-can-learn-anything-in-an-instant fast-tracking online courses.

Restricting an educational book to a specific content length invariably means that important details must be omitted, leaving you to “join the dots” in order to comprehend the material and achieve the desired musical outcome… and this can become a mighty source of confusion, leading to much frustration and possibly loss of motivation and confidence in your emerging musicianship.

Beginners’ frustration is not necessary!!

The material in this blog, “All about that bass; and I mean – EVERYTHING!!” has been compiled from multiple sources, and is designed to flow in a continuous stream from the very basics, with each subsequent concept building naturally onto previous ones. The material is peppered with diagrams and pictures - visual representations of each concept, in order to provide a graphical representation that enhances the literary descriptions. This gives you – the self-actualising learner, an instant mental image of each concept being taught.

Learning to play an instrument well, requires regular quality practice with constant and immediate feedback. In order to achieve this, the blog includes progressive exercises which are supported by a suit of mobile apps; these provide live exercises that you can undertake using your bass, and while getting real-time feedback on your progress and mastery of each technique. The mobile apps, which are available for Android devices, and can be bought from the book website:

“All about that bass; and I mean – EVERYTHING!!” is necessarily a long and detailed! It takes no shortcuts and leaves no stone unturned.

